Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Packing list

Hi all!

Here's a suggested list of things to pack!

1. 4 sets of Clothings
2. Undergarments
3. A small bag to lug around (eg slingbag)
4. Toiletries
5. Personal Medication
6. Good pair of shoes + socks
7. Waterbottle
8. Torchlight
9. Indemnity Form (if you haven't handed in yours)
10. Ezlink card (recommended value >20 dollars)
11. Some cash to buy own snacks etc etc
12. Sleeping Bag (compulsory)
13. Handphone charger
14. Insect Repellent
15. Umbrella
16. Rags (for cleaning up if necessary)

Any questions can be directed to!